
Survey Questionnaire: How to format it correctly

Survey Questionnaire: How to format it correctly

Creating an effective survey questionnaire is a critical step in collecting reliable and useful data. In fact, the quality and adequacy of a survey questionnaire will determine the final result. However, designing such a questionnaire is not just about asking questions. Rather, it involves careful planning, strategic formulation, and rigorous testing. Knowing how difficult an undertaking it is to build, we present you with the best practices and all the aspects that you should evaluate for the correct formulation of a survey questionnaire.

Understanding the purpose of the research

Before drafting any question, it is important to understand and clearly define the purpose of the survey. Define the objectives and the type of information you intend to collect. A clear purpose will guide the entire survey design process, ensuring that each question serves a specific and well-defined objective.

Defining the target audience for the survey questionnaire

Identifying and understanding your target audience is vital. The language, tone and complexity of your questions should match the characteristics of the audience that will answer the survey questionnaire. For example, a survey aimed at industry experts may include technical jargon, while a survey for the general public should include simpler language. Tailoring the questionnaire to the target audience improves understanding and accuracy of responses.

Pay attention to the structure that the survey questionnaire will have

The structure of your questionnaire greatly affects its effectiveness. A logical, well-organized structure can improve the respondent experience and the quality of data collected. Begin with an introduction outlining the purpose of the survey, estimated completion time, and data use, ensuring confidentiality to encourage honest responses. In fact, demographic questions, placed at the beginning or end, add valuable context to data analysis. Organize the main body into clear, coherent sections with relevant, grouped questions to keep respondents interested. Conclude with a thank you note or even an open question if you wish to gather additional information.

Creating clear & quality questions

The quality of survey data depends on the effectiveness of its questions, which must be clear, concise and unbiased. Use simple language to ensure that all respondents understand the questions equally. It is important to also ensure that each question is specific and clear and leaves no room for interpretation. Also avoid questions that set the stage for biased, rushed answers. When using Likert scale or rating questions, provide balanced options. For example, a five-point scale should have an equal number of positive and negative options with a neutral mean. Finally, limit the use of open-ended questions, as although they can provide valuable qualitative data, they are also time-consuming to analyze. Therefore, use them sparingly and only when necessary. In general, keep in mind that the questionnaire should keep the interest of the respondent from the beginning to the end, so that he spends the necessary time on it and does not just fill it out.

Test drive

Before starting your research, do an initial test with a small group of your target audience. This step helps identify any confusing questions, technical issues, or other issues that could affect the quality of your data. Use the feedback to improve the survey questionnaire you created.

Analyzing research data and writing the results

After collecting the data obtained from the survey questionnaire, careful statistical analysis of the data using special programs is crucial. In terms of writing up the results, it is important to present your findings in a clear and effective way, using graphs and tables to illustrate the key points you want to focus on.

Designing an effective survey questionnaire involves a combination of clear objectives, understanding the audience, careful question construction, and sound structure. However, if you don’t have time, are struggling, or would like some guidance, at Hypothesis we can help you complete any research in the most effective and efficient way! Beyond statistical analyses, we provide assistance at every stage of an investigation, with the aim of gaining knowledge and making informed decisions.